9 events found.
Upcoming Events
Discipleship Groups
A discipleship group is a great place to make friends and grow your faith. Invite someone to come. There will be a study in God's Word, good music, prayer, good…
Daylight Savings Time Begins
Remember to set your clocks ahead. Daylight savings time begins. The church schedule remains the same. Coffee at 9:00 a.m Sunday School 9:30 a.m Church 10:30 a.m Discipleship Groups 4:30…
Women’s Bible Study
Oologah Assembly of GodAttention All Ladies! A seven week bible study designed especially for women of faith will begin on March 13th at 7:00. Trudi Johnson is leading this study created by, Jennifer…
Men’s Breakfast
Oologah Assembly of GodThe men's breakfast will be held on the fourth Saturday this month, March 22. The fun begins at 8:00 a.m. If you want to help cook, we start at 7 a.m. We hope to see you at OAG!